Is there any parameters to measures one spirituality? I know it is a toughest question; however by the light of the God’s word we can have some guidelines as we grow;
- Are you becoming more like Jesus?
- Does fruit of the spirit visible in your life?
- Do you live by the word of God what you preach or believe?
We see around people and they way they do things and appearance all are spiritual but Jesus warns us that we need to identity the tree by fruit that produced. If you feel that spiritually you are in high mountain and you are not becoming like Jesus then
I would like to use two examples here;
Life of David: As we know that David was anointed as a king of Israel but he has to run for life from King Saul. King Saul become mad at David and was trying to kill him and every occasion David will miraculously escaped. However David got few chance to pay him back or the opportunity to attach his enemy but David says he is God’s anointed one; So i can’t touch him. 1 Samuel 26:9 But David said to Abishai, “Don’t destroy him! Who can lay a hand on the LORD’s anointed and be guiltless?
In David’s life he started to see his enemy or the person with madness as Lord;s anointed? How do you see your enemies today?
Life of Joseph:Joseph had to go through lot of hardship in life and all because of his own brothers who hated him. Joseph’s brothers wanted to kill him and finally they sold him to the Ishmaelites. And finally the story cut short God blessed him and he became the prime-minister of the Egypt(Genesis 41:36). And his brother who sold him coming to him for food and it was a good opportunity to give the return for what they have done but…Joseph said to him brothers in Genesis 5:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.
- How do you respond when you get an opportunity to work against your enemy?
May the Lord help us to grow in Him